It is Crossing Guard Recognition Week

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The second full week of January is the annual Crossing Guard Recognition Week. The City of Milwaukee Police Department issued the following Twitter message thanking its 200 trained crossing guards for their service: “As the snow starts to fly this afternoon, keep an eye out for your local crossing guard. They work in all weather to keep our kids safe!” Crossing guards work at busy intersections in places where 30 or more students need to cross the intersection to get to school.

The Wisconsin pedestrian accident lawyers of Samster, Konkel & Safran encourage all drivers to maintain proper look out for crossing guards, students and other pedestrians. We seek to prevent automobile accidents, including accidents caused by distracted driving. In fact, we are involved in a campaign to end automobile accidents caused by distracted driving, such as texting while driving. Blue thumb bands are available for drivers to show their pledge to not text and drive. Visit our office at 11063 West Bluemound Road, Suite 205, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, 53226, e-mail our office at, or call our office to get the thumb bands. Also, if you know of a school or group looking to have a distracted driving presentation provided, please contact us and one of our attorneys would be happy to provide a free presentation and thumb bands.

Get in touch with us today to get started with your FREE case review. We’re only a call, click, or short drive away.