The Wisconsin State Patrol is participating in the annual Roadcheck campaign, an effort to improve truck safety and to prevent truck crashes. During the campaign, which runs from June 3-5, 2014, the State Patrol and other law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico will increase their efforts to ensure compliance with commercial motor vehicle regulations and to encourage truck drivers to use their seat belts. During the 2013 campaign, the State Patrol conducted over 950 inspections and found more than 4,000 safety violations.
The Wisconsin truck accident lawyers of Samster, Konkel & Safran applaud the efforts of the State Patrol to improve truck safety and to prevent truck accidents. We also seek to prevent vehicle accidents. In fact, we are involved in a campaign to end vehicle accidents caused by distracted driving, such as texting while driving. Blue thumb bands are available for drivers to show their pledge to not text and drive. Visit our office at 11063 West Bluemound Road, Suite 205, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, 53226, e-mail our office at, or call our office to get the thumb bands. Also, if you know of a school or group looking to have a distracted driving presentation provided, please contact us and one of our attorneys would be happy to provide a free presentation and thumb bands.