Dave Zien has ridden Harley-Davidson motorcycles for over 2.5 million miles. Currently, Mr. Zien rides with flags that are held by mounts attached to his bike. When Mr. Zien was riding through Dallas in March, the clutch on his motorcycle went out. Because his bike was still under the seven-year warranty, Mr. Zien made a claim against Harley-Davidson. The iconic Wisconsin manufacturer denied the claim, because the flags that Mr. Zien flies allegedly cause drag on the engine and transmission, and because the mounts used to hold the flags are not Harley-Davidson products. Nevertheless, Mr. Zien plans to keep riding his motorcycle.
The Wisconsin products liability injury attorneys of Samster, Konkel & Safran have helped many people recover under warranties after they have been injured by a defective product. If you or someone you know has been injured as a result of a dangerous or defective product, contact us for a free online case evaluation.