Under the Wisconsin “dog bite” law, anyone who owns, keeps or harbors a dog is strictly liable for any injuries caused by the dog, regardless of negligence. Recently, however, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin held that a man who permitted his daughter’s family to live rent-free at a home he owned was not liable when the daughter’s dogs attacked a visitor to the home. The visitor sued the man, claiming that he was a dog “owner” under Wisconsin law, because he harbored the dogs on his property. The Court of Appeals of Wisconsin agreed with the visitor, concluding that the man harbored the dogs by providing them shelter and by not removing them. The Supreme Court disagreed, holding that the man was not an “owner” of the dogs because he did not exercise any control over the property where the dogs lived. Read the entire Supreme Court decision here.
The Wisconsin dog bite injury lawyers of Samster, Konkel & Safran have extensive experience helping clients who have been injured by dogs. We assist in recovering for personal injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and property damage. If you or someone you know has been injured by a dog, contact us for a free online claim evaluation.