Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer in Milwaukee
Compassionate Counsel and Tenacious Representation
Distracted driving has become an epidemic in our country. Every day close to 800,000 people in America use their cell phones or other electronic devices while driving. There are close to 1.6 million vehicle crashes, and thousands of resultant injuries, every year due to distracted driving. If you or someone you know has been injured by a distracted driver in Milwaukee, it’s time to take action. Our car accident lawyers at Samster Konkel & Safran have protected the rights of the injured for over 40 years and are prepared to go the full distance to fight for the damages you deserve for your injuries.
Say No to Distracted Driving
It is estimated that since the end of 2012, there have been approximately 171.3 billion text messages sent in the U.S. every month. Studies show texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident. We at Samster Konkel & Safranare proud to partner with Today’s TMJ Four, WTMJ Radio, Lake FM Radio, Steinhoffels and Braeger Ford for the Band2gether campaign. Band2gether thumb bands provide a reminder to stay focused while driving and leave texting and cellphone use for another time. We ask you to take the pledge to never text while driving. Please pass on the message of Band2gether and help us prevent accidents caused by distracted drivers.
- There are many causes of distracted driving, including:
- Cell phone use while driving.
- Pets roaming the car while the car is in motion.
- Holding conversations on the phone while driving.
- Eating while driving.
- Grooming while driving.
Facts About Texting & Driving
All forms of distracted driving are dangerous, but texting is known to be particularly deadly. Here are some facts about this dangerous habit everyone should be aware of:
- Those who drive while reading or sending text messages are 23 times more likely to get involved in a car accident.
- A crash usually happens within 3 seconds after a driver becomes distracted.
- The United States Department of Transportation states that half a million injuries on the road are caused by texting and driving, and 6,000 lives are claimed every year.
- According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), at any given time, 11% of drivers on the road are talking on their cell phones.
- A study conducted by the University of Utah revealed that the reaction time of a teenage driver using a cell phone is equivalent to that of a 70-year old driver who is not using a cell phone.
- A study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute revealed that texting while driving is 6 times more likely to cause a crash than driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute also installed cameras on dashboards inside truck cabs. They found that, on average, drivers took their eyes off the road for at least 5 seconds while texting or reading texts. The distance covered within 5 seconds at a speed of 55 mph is equivalent to the length of a football field.
Texting Alternatives
To combat this epidemic, people have sought alternative methods of communication. It is debatable how effective this may be since the problem is not the method, but rather the distraction itself. Using a headset cell phone, for example, is not much safer than hand-held usage.
There are also several apps people can use to avoid the lure of their cell phones, including:
- Voice Recognition: This translates spoken words into text, but still requires the use of your hands to send any messages to contacts.
- Auto Responder: This sends out a pre-written message to a caller when you receive texts or emails, explaining why you are not able to respond at the moment.
- Text Blockers: This is one of the more effective alternative methods, which disables texting when a vehicle is going over 10 mph.
Of course, a driver could simply pull over to respond to a text if it is urgent and requires immediate attention, or turn off the phone while driving.
These alternatives have the best of intentions, but if your mind is elsewhere while driving, you are still putting yourself and others at risk, even if your hands are on the wheel.
Contact Our Attorneys to Review Your Case
It is extremely important to contact Samster Konkel & Safranas soon as possible, that way, our car accident lawyers can begin making your case. The statute of limitations in Wisconsin is three years for personal injury cases, making it extremely difficult to obtain compensation after this time. The sooner we begin making a case for your injuries, the stronger the case we can build. We are here to advise you and make the strongest case possible. Whether you’ve been rear ended by a texting driver or you’ve experienced a head-on collision with someone on a cellphone, our car accident attorneys are here to fight for you.
We do not collect a fee until your case is won. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling our offices at (414) 404-5818.